Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Memeory Theater

To memorize my 50 items (spices) I used a combination of my kitchen and my imagination. I decided that the most logical place to have spices was in the kitchen, but after a while I ran out of places to put all of them, so then I started to imagine objects in and around the kitchen, too.

So my list of 50 is:
  1. Rosemary
  2. Ginger
  3. Caraway Seed
  4. Licorice
  5. Cloves
  6. Mace
  7. Lemon Peel
  8. Orange Zest
  9. Allspice (yes, it is a true spice not a combination of some)
  10. Chervil
  11. Cilantro
  12. Parsley
  13. Bay Leaves
  14. Shallots
  15. Fennel Seed
  16. Cinnamon
  17. Nutmeg
  18. Mint
  19. Saffron
  20. Turmeric
  21. Tarragon
  22. Red Pepper
  23. Cayenne
  24. Thyme
  25. Arrow Root
  26. Savory
  27. Paprika
  28. Marjoram
  29. Wasabi
  30. Dill
  31. Vanilla
  32. Mustard
  33. Cream of Tartar
  34. Basil
  35. Garlic
  36. Sage
  37. Anise Seed
  38. Juniper Berries
  39. Celery Seed
  40. Sesame Seed
  41. Coriander
  42. Salt (yes, I know it's not truly a spice but rather a mineral, but we all use it to enhance flavor)
  43. Pepper
  44. Oregano
  45. Horse Radish
  46. Chives
  47. Onion
  48. Cumin
  49. Cardamon
  50. Fenugreek
I started by thinking about what the spices are used for. After I ran out of places to put them according to their use, after all there is only so much space on the stove or in the counter top oven, I started looking at places were I keep the spices. Then I went on to placing the spices by how they sounded. So it went something like this... (Spices in italics)

Rosemary with ginger hair is standing in the coriander (corridor) between the wall and the counter. She is leaving for a trip so next to her is caraway seeds because she needs to carry with her licorice to eat and mace and cloves (clubs) to keep her safe. Further along the counter, I have a fruit basket and it has lemon peel and orange zest in it. Next to that is my spice rack so it is allspice. Above the spice rack is a cupboard upon which I have placed a set of three decorations. These became chervil, cilantro, and parsley because these spices are most commonly used for garnishes. Going along the wall, I have a bay leaves (bay) window over the sink, in which I imagine a fish ready to be garnished with shallots. In the drying rack next to the sink is a fennel seed (funnel). In the corner of the kitchen I still have some Christmas decorations left out, and when I think of Christmas I think of cinnamon, nutmeg, and mint. Beyond the corner is the stove where I cook rice with saffron and turmeric, and I also have a skillet out to make mushroom omelets with tarragon. The burners on the stove are hot so they became and red pepper and cayenne. Over the stove is a microwave that shows the thyme (time) with arrowroot (arrow) buttons. Next to those is the rotisserie oven in which I cook savory chicken with paprika (the first spice I ever used on chicken). In my pantry I have wasabi which is marjoram (majorly) spicy and dill pickles. Beyond the pantry is the refrigerator which has vanilla ice cream in the freezer and mustard in the cooler. Then I moved on to the floor. I thought about the spilled cream of tartar in front of the fridge. Beyond that was Basil the mouse (from "The Great Mouse Detective") ready to lick up the cream. I looked at the tiles on the floor and thought of a garden that I might plant with anise seed and celery seed with hedgerows of juniper berries and sage. At this point I ran out of places in the kitchen, so I moved it on out to the dinning room, following Seseme (seed) Street. On the table, of course, is salt and pepper. Then the square placemat reminded me of oregano (Oregon). I had a hard time with horseradish until I placed a horse in my dinning room as well. Then I realized that spices are no good without a cook, so I added some things to my own person. On my head I had a shock of chives sprouting from my crown. I was crying from cutting up dried onion. I was cold so I was wearing a cardamom (cardigan). And in my and I held a funnel with a Greek letter on it (fennugreek). Then somebody called my name so I hollared, "Cumin (Coming)!"

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