Monday, January 19, 2009

Think Memorable Thoughts

"The only answer is: Think memerable thoughts," said Walter Ong (p. 34, about halfway down). so we will endenver to do so. The first thought is, when was the cooler by the window lasted emptied? Oh, wait is that really memorable?

So, let's instead listen to the word on the street. It, perhaps, may not be very memorable, but once I write it down it will no longer be ephemeral; it will have substance, even if it hasn't weight. The first thing heard: "I think it was supposed to be in Cheever." To which another person replied, "What was the abbreviation?" Their conversation is now written down, and will not be lost to the winds!

I spent the weekend fondeling all three of our orality books, plus some art books, and a few books for my Literacy Assessment & Instruction class. I love fondeling books. It's in my screen name, Bookworm. My favorite books to fondel are fantacy/fiction or science fiction books, although a good mystery story is always welcome, too.

And I also found an unfrequented church, while walking my dogs. It wasn't the church I dreamt about, though. I knew it was an unfrequented church because the doors were locked. Ah, well. The search continues...

And the last thing I see before falling asleep is the wrinkles in the covers over my head. I like to burrow before going to sleep.

So was any of that memorable? I'm not sure. Maybe finding the church, that was kind of fun, exploring the backroads to the south of Bozeman. Definitely fondeling the books was worth remembering. The eve dropped conversation was not so memorable. But the quote for Ong I hope to remember for while!

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