Thursday, January 29, 2009

What are the chances?

One in three, obviously!

In class Professor Sexson passed out three books: History as an Art of Memory by Patrick H. Hutton, Learn to Remember by Dominic O'Brian, and Theater of the World by Francis Yates (a girl, not a boy, as many people seem to think).

We have now ingraned Mel Gibson eating a pomegranate onto our brains. What were we supposed to remember in conjunction with that?...

We also know that Dr. Sexson will give blood on St. Patricks Day, which is the 17th of March, because he will give green blood. And like Chris, I hope it is no where near as disturbing as that article about the guy that really did have green blood!

We can remember the cooler becuase we have discussed it so much, and some of us have written about it in our blogs. We know the birthday of John Nay because it falls on the same day as our first test, which is Feb 20.

We have mapped out the classroom starting with the (1)thermostat to the (2)blackboard to the (3)projector screen to the (4)"QUIET" desk to the (5)overhead projector to the (6)brown table to the (7)bullitin board to the (8)snowman drawing to the (9)funny "F" symbol. That makes nine locations on which to place the nine muses.

Oh, yes, Melpomene, the muse of Tragedy! It would be a tragedy not to be able to visualize Mel Gibson eating a pomegranate!

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